
A mostrar mensagens de setembro, 2017

The great impact of small gestures

The wonderful aspect of life that usually passes by us unnoticed, illuminates whenever I see someone dedicating themselves altruistically to the welfare of others. I am not referring to when we force ourselves to find a humanitarian cause, but rather being attentive to those who come to us. In other words, not letting people pass us by without stretching them a helpful hand nor ignoring their needs. What is destined to be our impact in the world generally comes directly to our path! There is no need to run after it or create situations of forced altruism. We just need to be alert and know how to receive openly the situations or people that come to us. Being aware of everything around us and being aware of ourselves results in wonderful situations of giving and receiving help at no cost and without pain. Everything that happens to us has a rightful purpose and a wonderful reason for being, both the good and the less pleasant. If it happened, it’s because it was necessary, there w


Spontaneity is an increasingly rare treasure! If most of us try to remember the last time that we were spontaneous, in any kind of spontaneity, we might have some difficulty remembering when it was. For example, have you ever, upon arriving at a beach, felt like climbing up a dune and roll down its slopes, but decided not to do it because there were people who seeing you, might think that you are crazy ... Why judge you as crazy if they probably feel like doing the same?  Or being so happy that you just want to start dancing? Of course everyone already felt like that! But there are very few who have done it or were fortunate enough to witness someone doing it. There are very few who wouldn’t care less about the corsets of society. Another type of spontaneity, and for me maybe the most important one, that has been almost eliminated from our daily life, is the one that would allow you to get near a person that you like, and spontaneously say, purely and simply - "I

Viva la Vida

("Viva la Vida" is a Spanish expression that means "Enjoy life" or "Hurray for life" and also the name of a Coldplay album). I had a fantastic day today! And in fact, nothing unexpected, grand or surprising happened. It just so happened that I remembered looking at my life in a less usual way. It just so happened that I remembered to give due consideration to the little things of a normal day. Nothing happened that had not happened in previous days. I noticed the sunrise through the clouds, which resulted in a memorable picture that, given the opportunity to have been painted by one of the great Masters, it would certainly be immortalized! And I had this show before my eyes. The sun bothered to give us that show, and at that moment I remembered all the other days, because of the daily rush and worry, I did not even bother to look to see if it was there. I looked around, and just like me in the previous days, everyone pass


Smile!!! The world is full of wonderful things!! There is always a reason to smile, just as there is always a reason to choose to be upset. The difference lies in choosing one of these reasons to guide our day. It's funny how we can represent the best in the world, but also the worst. What will trigger the decision to be a nice person, to have an altruistic and beautiful attitude toward others, and what will trigger us, as days go by, to be unfriendly and eventually be capable of bad and petty attitudes? We are a reflection of what we do, and everything we do generates energy! It is this energy that we transmit to others. What I call energy are only our attitudes and the power they have to influence those who surround us. The efforts that we put in our day to day is transmitted to all those that surround us. It may be easier to understand by imagining these two opposite situations: You wake up next to someone who is in a good mood and sweet. You leave the hous