The great impact of small gestures

The wonderful aspect of life that usually passes by us unnoticed, illuminates whenever I see someone dedicating themselves altruistically to the welfare of others. I am not referring to when we force ourselves to find a humanitarian cause, but rather being attentive to those who come to us. In other words, not letting people pass us by without stretching them a helpful hand nor ignoring their needs.

What is destined to be our impact in the world generally comes directly to our path! There is no need to run after it or create situations of forced altruism. We just need to be alert and know how to receive openly the situations or people that come to us.

Being aware of everything around us and being aware of ourselves results in wonderful situations of giving and receiving help at no cost and without pain.

Everything that happens to us has a rightful purpose and a wonderful reason for being, both the good and the less pleasant. If it happened, it’s because it was necessary, there was something to learn or to grow from. We may not yet know the reason for it, but it exists. In the same way that everything that is placed in our path also has a reason for being there.

How are we then supposed to positively impact the world? There’s no need to think on a grand scale. Our ego has the tendency to push us right away towards great deeds, so great that you end up never materializing them... It may be something seemingly small, to someone that is at that moment at our side.
We continually minimize the great impact of small gestures, small attentions, a simple positive word. The right word at the right time, a simple smile or a friendly hug with the right tenderness, have often been the difference between life or death in a suicide attempt, between depression or the exit from it, or simply between joy and sadness of someone throughout her day. These simple acts can open a door of light and help to fade away that imaginary cold and dark room of sadness and loneliness, in which the person could feel trapped in.

We have the capacity to give warmth, joy and hope to whom we embrace with love, to whom we smile with tenderness, to whom we give hands to with our hearts. This ability only depends on the unconditional feeling of love and tenderness that we put in these acts.

It is not by chance that emotions are symbolically referred to as coming from the heart. This is not only due to our perception of heartbeat acceleration while experiencing strong emotions. Anyone who knows a little about chakras knows about the relationship between the heart chakra and our emotional body. You can believe in this or not, it's irrelevant. You do not have to know the path to walk the path.
What really matters is the importance of placing our heart (even if only it’s symbolical sense) in everything we do and in the people around us, and with this we will be amazed with the gigantic impact that we will have on the world.


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The great impact of small gestures

